NSC 224A/B Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
NSC 224A/B discusses key issues in developmental and molecular neurobiology. Discussions emphasis on critical evaluation of the experiments and methods described in research papers. Readings of seminal, primary research papers, reviews, and book chapters. It is a core course for Neuroscience Graduate Program.
Next class scheduled: Spring 2019

2018 Spring Class; Photo Credit: Milana Krush
NPB 172 Map Formation in the Brain
NPB 172 is an advanced developmental neurobiology course for undergraduate students who are interested in research. Neuronal topographic projection map is a fundamental principle for establishing neural network in the brain. This course builds upon the NPB major core course NPB 100 Neurobiology or NPB110B Neurobiology Foundations. Students taking this course will be familiar with concepts, techniques, and questions in neural circuit formation (axon guidance) in the brain through lectures and paper discussions. This course will provide comprehensive understanding of the current concepts of neuronal map formation in various sensory and/or motor nervous systems. Prerequisite course: NPB 100 or NPB110B.
Next class scheduled: to be determined
Special Note: The scheduled NPB172 in Spring 2019 has just been canceled because Dr. Cheng has to teach a recently added NPB110B in the Spring to accommodate more students for taking this required core course.
“The entire molecular and cellular mechanism of axon guidance is a beautiful love story.” – Hwai-Jong Cheng
NPB 110B Neurobiology Foundations
NPB 110B provides core concepts of neurobiology including single-neuron biophysics, synapses and transmitters, neuronal development, motor systems, central pattern generation, neuronal circuits, intracellular signal transduction, sensory processing, multisensory integration, autonomic nervous system, neuromodulation, learning and memory, and higher cognition and disease.
Next class scheduled: Spring 2019 (just added)
NPB 100 Neurobiology
NPB 100 is designed to give students a foundation in Neurobiology. The course is designed for those who already have a solid background in biology, chemistry and physics.
Next classes scheduled: Fall 2018
“Neurobiology is about ourselves; it is about how our nervous systems are built, how we respond to the outside world, how we remember our past, and how we imagine our future.” – Hwai-Jong Cheng
NPB 12 Human Brain and Disease
NPB 12 discusses normal function and diseases of the human brain and nervous system. Diseases discussed include Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, leprosy, amnesia and schizophrenia. Intended for non-science majors. It is a GE course for freshmen or sophomores.
Next class scheduled: None
FRS 002 – First Year Seminar
Course-based Undergrad Research: Investigating a Schizophrenia-linked Gene and its Role in Neural Development
Students in this seminar experience first-hand how to perform neuroscience research. Students analyze the morphology of motor neurons and score motor behavior in transgenic and mutant C. elegans worms using brightfield and fluorescence microscopy. The results from this class may provide insight about the signaling pathway and neural developmental role of DISC1, a gene highly associated with schizophrenia and other major human mental diseases.
Next class scheduled: To be announced